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I Grieg Seafood Rogaland har vi mange fantastiske ansatte, men vi ønsker oss alltid flere flinke folk på laget. Sjekk ut våre ledige stillinger nederst på siden.
I organisasjonen vår trenger vi folk med ulik utdanning, erfaring, bakgrunn, kjønn og alder. Hos oss jobber alt fra lærlinger til ansatte som snart går av med pensjon. Vi har folk med universitetsutdannelse og folk som har lært seg oppdrettsfaget gjennom erfaring. Alle er viktige, og alle skal få mulighet til å utvikle seg i Grieg Seafood.
— Lokalsamfunnene og landet trenger sjømatproduksjon
— Lokalsamfunnene og landet trenger sjømatproduksjon
— Hadde jeg ødelagt fjord, fisk og naturen der jeg bor, hadde jeg sluttet i jobben. Det er fortvilt mange myter og feilaktige påstander om oppdrett, sier Tom-Inge Aksdal.
Oppdrett handler om kunnskap og kjærlighet
Oppdrett handler om kunnskap og kjærlighet
Med to K`er beskriver Borghild Tengesdal jobben sin; — Den handler om kunnskap og kjærlighet.
Avlsarbeid med stamtavler og gener
Avlsarbeid med stamtavler og gener
Her kjemper hannlaksen om å bli valgt som stamfar til framtidas lakser. De er 500.000 i starten. Etter nøye utvelgelse står 35 hannlakser igjen, som får videreført sine gener til millioner av framtidas lakser.
Årvåken omsorg på fiskens barselavdeling
Årvåken omsorg på fiskens barselavdeling
Tiril Kallekodt (22) jobbet i hjemmetjenesten før hun ble akvatekniker. Omsorg er fellesnevneren i de to vidt forskjellige yrkene, mener hun.
Ble kjent med jobben gjennom skygging
Ble kjent med jobben gjennom skygging
Jobbskygging ble veien inn i havbruksnæringa. Joakim Narrevik (23) skygget en akvatekniker og bestemte seg der og da for å gå samme vei.
— Jeg gleder meg hver dag til å gå på jobb
— Jeg gleder meg hver dag til å gå på jobb
Noe av det mest spennende han leser er Mattilsynets forskrifter, og han elsker internkontrollsystemer. Nerd? — Et stort ja, svarer Fredrik Hetland Granberg som vurderer å innføre avviksmeldinger innen kvalitet på heimebane også.
You’ll Never Walk Alone på lakseslakteriet på Sjernarøy
You’ll Never Walk Alone på lakseslakteriet på Sjernarøy
10 minutter jobbreise i egen båt, passer Lars Martin Hetland perfekt. — Jeg unngår køer og masse folk, det stresser meg, sier fabrikksjefen som ikke lar seg stresse av dagens 160 tonn med laks som er på vei til slakteriet.
Her har tre av fem ansatte samme navn
Her har tre av fem ansatte samme navn
–Velkommen til Fredrik-flåta, sier Fredrik Helland. Vi er på lokaliteten Dyrholmen i Nedstrandsfjorden, men her har lokaliteten fått et midlertidig nytt navn. Her er nemlig Fredrik-ene i flertall.
Kunstneren Daniel får maskinene på lakseslakteriet til å tikke og gå som de vakreste mesterverk
Kunstneren Daniel får maskinene på lakseslakteriet til å tikke og gå som de vakreste mesterverk
"Hvilken formell bakgrunn har du?" "Jeg har utdanning innen kunst." "Da har vi et problem."
Helge er laksens "ordenspoliti", som sikrer at lover og regler følges til det beste for fisk og miljø
Helge er laksens "ordenspoliti", som sikrer at lover og regler følges til det beste for fisk og miljø
Kvalitetsleder Helge Eriksen (56) er laksens lov- og orden-garantist. Han skal også forebygge og påtale eventuelle feil og mangler på laksens vei fra rogn til bord.
31 år på lakseslakteriet –Jeg er stolt av jobben min
31 år på lakseslakteriet –Jeg er stolt av jobben min
Ute på kaien i all slags vær, i vind og snø, solskinn og regn, står Anita og bløgger laks. Det er 31 år siden. Slik var starten i havbruksnæringa for Anita Lyngholm (64), som virkelig har opplevd utviklingen i næringen på nært hold.
Som liten lekte Anders at han var fiskeoppdretter
Som liten lekte Anders at han var fiskeoppdretter
For sikkerhets skyld satt han bundet i robåten mens han kastet sand i havet for å liksom å fôre fisken. I dag jobber han som driftskoordinator for sjøanleggene.
Matematikk, laks og nok søvn
Matematikk, laks og nok søvn
Å kombinere matematikk og fysikk med slakting av laks er en perfekt kombo for Daniel Steen (19).
Kunnskap og omsorg kreves i laksens fødestue
Kunnskap og omsorg kreves i laksens fødestue
Med et erfarent og trent øye holder det å kaste et blikk i fiskekaret for Flemming Tegllund (57), for å skjønne at fisken har det bra. Teknologi og sensoriske instrumenter er viktig, men menneskelig erfaring og omsorg er påkrevd her i laksens «fødeavdeling».
Historier fra en lærling
Historier fra en lærling
Vinden rusker og bølger slår over ringene på Teistholmen. -Du må like å jobbe ute, sier lærling Kristian Spissøy Kloster (19) som er ute på sin daglige inspeksjonsrunde.
– Jeg elsker jobben min
– Jeg elsker jobben min
Astrid drives av et stort konkurranseinstinkt. Best resultater, fineste anlegg og jakten på rekorder, styrer mye av arbeidshverdagen hennes som driftstekniker i operasjonssenteret.
Ledige stillinger
Kanskje er du eller noen du kjenner vår neste nyansatte? Ta kontakt hvis du har spørsmål om stillingene.
Open application
Location: Finnmark
Deadline: Open

Thank you so much for your interest in working with us. Please submit an open application via the link. We will contact you if you are relevant for the position. According to the GDPR, all applications must be sent via job advertisements or open application. CVs and attachments will be deleted if they are sent by e-mail.

Communications Manager (1 year Interim Position)
Location: BC
Deadline: Open

Communications Manager

Interim Position (1 year)

Salary Range $75,000-$90,000

Grieg Seafood BC Ltd., a dynamic and growing company in the Aquaculture industry, is seeking to hire a interim Communications Manager, a 1 year position.

Reporting to the Managing Director, the Communications Manager oversees a community relations/communication strategy which includes corporate giving activities that increase the reach, reputation, and awareness of the company for key stakeholders and First Nations. Working within BC’s coastal First Nation communities, as well as directly with local, provincial, and federal government partners, the incumbent will play a critical role in developing, managing and leading the strategic development of communication strategies, systems, processes, planning, implementation, media relations, issues and crisis management to further build respectful and trusting working relationships with all stakeholders. The Manager must be comfortable speaking in public forums and at events as a representative of Grieg salmon farming.

The position requires a relationship-builder accustomed to working in a fast-paced and, at times, high-stress environment. The incumbent will embody grace under pressure and possess political acuity and experience in establishing and driving ahead productive relations and partnerships.

Key Responsibilities:

· Develop Grieg’s Communications strategy and update and adjust as required.

· Stay informed and current with legal developments in the courts and in all levels of government that are relevant to the operations of Grieg.

· Apprise the Managing Director of emerging issues or trends within areas of responsibility and develop strategies for response.

· May participate and/or represent Grieg at meetings with all levels of government, committees, and conferences.

· Participate and collaborate with GSF global communications team to best align BC strategy with global strategy

· Responsible for a Community Relations strategy which reflects relationship management with communities, private stakeholders and NGO’s in civic and regional district jurisdictions in which the company operates;

· Work with the North America Government Relations director to support documentation/materials for effective relationships with all legal counsel, senior federal, provincial and local government officials, MLAs and Ministers, local communities, consultants and contractors;

· Maintain and continually update the Grieg website and social media platforms showcasing positive stories, sustainability efforts, community contributions etc.

· Provide regular, positive email updates to MP and MLA offices, mayors and councils and First Nations that are impacted by the Grieg Seafood BC supply chain on the Coast

· Develops and implements effective tracking, monitoring and reporting systems including corporate legal obligations, project management and budgets;

· Develops and implements a regional corporate giving strategy to align with Grieg ASA’s overall giving strategy and where applicable, the goals of the Grieg Foundation;


· Degree in a relevant field of study (e.g., Education, Indigenous Studies, Political Science, Marketing and Communications, Journalism, Sociology, etc.). An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered

· Experience with and practice of Indigenous culture, history, knowledge systems, and Indigenous community relationship building practices and protocols

· Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a leadership role with a focus in communications, government/community relations, partnerships, advocacy, ideally with indigenous communities.

· Experience in the production and presentation of national and international corporate presentations;

· Proficient in the use of social media and design tools

· Ability to work with all media in order to promote the company’s activities with the general public;

· Has proven to have established integrity and respect with within Aboriginal communities.

· Ability to deal with politically charged issues with empathy, professionalism and objectivity;

· Capable of synthesizing conflicting or divergent factors into rational decision making;

· Able to maintain the course calmly and unflappably throughout a dynamic and evolving process;

· Well organized. Can handle multiple complex assignments simultaneously using project management tools. Combines firmness with flexibility – maintains strong positions while remaining receptive to opportunities for accommodation.

· Superior verbal and written communication skills. Confident in making presentations to all levels;

· Professional, mature and credible.

· Experience overseeing and developing content for corporate social media accounts.

· Must have a valid BC Class 5 driver’s license.

· Knowledge of aquaculture sector an asset

The Communications Manager is based at the Campbell River office and typically works an average of 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. Flexible hours will be required (weekday evenings and weekends) on occasion to support specific events. Local/out of town travel will also be required.

As part of our commitment to employment excellence, Grieg Seafood offers a competitive salary commensurate with experience. Applicants must be legally entitled to work in Canada. Applicants requiring an accommodation may request one at any time during the recruitment process. We value diversity and encourage applications from all qualified individuals.

Please note that we will be accepting applications for this position until the position is filled. While we thank all applicants for their interest in a career with Grieg Seafood, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

Avdelingsleder settefisk
Mar 31, 2025
Location: Finnmark
Deadline: Mar 31, 2025

Vi søker en dyktig og engasjert avdelingsansvarlig for påvekstavdelingene på vårt settefiskanlegg i Landersfjord.

Freshwater Aquaculture Technician - Night SHift
Location: BC
Deadline: Open

Freshwater Technician (Night Shift)

Permanent Full-Time

Gold River, BC, CA

Salary Range: 24.00 To 28.00 CAD per hour

Grieg Seafood BC Ltd., a dynamic company in the Aquaculture industry, is seeking to hire a dedicated Freshwater Technician to Join our Freshwater Team at our Gold River Hatchery on a permanent full-time basis. Reporting to the Assistant Hatchery Manager, the Freshwater Technician will be working the Night Shift. These are 12 hour shifts of 4 days on and 4 days off, with accommodation available to those who live outside of Gold River. The Freshwater Night Shift Technician is responsible for production tasks and over-night monitoring required at our Gold River hatchery.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Basic operation and maintenance of automatic feeders and other hatchery equipment
  • Safely work in recirculation systems & oversee their routine maintenance
  • Basic troubleshooting of equipment and processes
  • Understanding of recirculating systems, alarms and pump systems
  • Understanding and adhering to Standard Operating Procedures, provincial health & safety regulations and lockout procedures
  • Ensure site bio security and Occupational Health and Safety procedures and protocols are adhered to at all times.
  • Other duties as and when assigned such as reporting safety hazards and other irregularities to supervisor.


  • Prefer Aquaculture Certificate or Diploma from accredited program or science-based degree in Aquaculture, Aquatic Resources, Biology, Marine Biology or Fisheries Resource Management
  • 3 years related or general work experience, with a preference for broodstock or freshwater aquaculture experience
  • Physically fit – ability to lift 40lbs/20kg feed bags
  • Ability to problem solve and trouble shoot technical solutions
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Basic computer proficiency
  • Valid driver's license in good standing and a reliable vehicle to travel to and from site.

Why Join Us?

  • Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package
  • Pension plan and work-life balance
  • Career growth opportunities through our in-house Technical Advancement Program (TAP)
  • Work in a stunning natural environment surrounded by wildlife
  • Engage in meaningful, hands-on work contributing to sustainable food security


  • Shift Schedule of 12 hour days with 4 days on and 4 days off
  • Required to be a camp-based position if residing outside of the Gold River area, with accommodations, food allowance and travel allowance provided for those in camp.

Join Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. and be part of a progressive company committed to sustainable aquaculture and the professional development of its employees.

As part of our commitment to employment excellence, Grieg Seafood offers a highly competitive salary commensurate with experience and fosters a positive work environment. Applicants must be legally entitled to work in Canada.

Please note that this position will remain open until the position has been filled. While we thank all applicants for their interest in a career with Grieg Seafood, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.