Our farms
A part of coastal communities
We are grateful to our local communities for giving us permission to farm salmon in their fjords and inlets. In return, we do not only do what we can to ensure local biodiversity and sustainable farming methods. We also contribute to vibrant local communities in the many rural areas where we operate.
We are grateful to our local communities for giving us permission to farm salmon in their fjords and inlets. In return, we do not only do what we can to ensure local biodiversity and sustainable farming methods. We also contribute to vibrant local communities in the many rural areas where we operate.

Where we operate

Our farms are situated across four regions in the north and south of Norway, and in the east and west of Canada

Farm map

Our farming regions and our sales offices are located in Norway and Canada. Our head office is in Bergen, Norway.

Communities and Indigenous relationships

Our local communities are at the heart of everything we do. We engage with our communities in a number of ways, including farm visits, one-on-one conversations, in meetings, at local events and through the media and social media. We arrange formal community events in all of the communities where we operate on a regular basis, where we share news about our operations, learn about their concerns and answer questions. Read more on the websites of our farming regions.

In British Columbia, Grieg Seafood is farming in areas that belong to Indigenous peoples, while Finnmark has been home to the Indigenous Sami people for millennia. We recognize that these Peoples have special rights, as acknowledged to them by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). We take particular care to avoid infringing on such rights. Our aim is to find the path to shared prosperity.

Stories from our communities

Meet people and organizations from our local communities in Norway and Canada.