Our principles
- We comply with applicable federal and provincial laws, occupational health and safety regulations and standards, and apply reasonable standards and judgments in all our regions.
- We develop and implement strong Health and Safety Programs in each region in accordance with state and provincial occupational health and safety requirements to ensuring workers are protected, risks are minimized, and a healthy and safe workplace is maintained.
- We ensure that our workers understand and know that they are responsible to protect their own health and safety by following our procedures and routines, such as usage of protective equipment, reporting systems and otherwise acting safely in the workplace.
- We evaluate the effectiveness of our occupational health and safety management system through daily monitoring, identifying and controlling hazard, regular safety inspections, and regular internal and external health and safety audits.
- We assess and mitigate health and safety risk by making sure that controls are in place prior to commencing work.
- We conduct quarterly audits of our performance against occupational health and safety objectives.
- We communicate the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and commitments with our employees, suppliers and contractors. Health and safety considerations and related precautions play an important role in the interaction between Grieg Seafood and contractors. The contractors must be validated according to the health and safety criteria relevant to the scope of the contracted work. Hazards must be identified, and risks must be evaluated for all job tasks conducted at Grieg Seafood.
- We continue to improve our Occupational Health and Safety management and performance.
Creating an HSE culture
- All employees receive health and safety training when they join us, and are required to re-take the courses regularly.
- As a general guide, employees are provided with appropriate training on joining Grieg Seafood, joining specific departments or transfer between posts. This is particularly important when increased risks are identified due to changes in tasks or responsibilities, changes in equipment or technology, or changes in the system of work.
- Formal orientation training are given to all new site employees to Grieg Seafood based on the position and are of responsibility and will include instruction on general health and safety provisions and any area specific hazards.
- Office staff are given an orientation on workplace safety during their onboarding process.
- Employees have the possibility to actively participate in and contribute to the development of their workplace safety through their shop steward representing them.
- We have dedicated HSE managers in each region, who are certified according to local laws. We perform annual HSE exercises to ensure that everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.
- All our staff have the right to stop any type of work or task if they feel unsafe or that they are not competent enough to carry out their duties. These routines are established in all our regions and all new employees are given the information about how these systems work and they can also report anonymously through their union representative, employee representative or our whistleblowing channel for major issues which is handled by an external partner EY.
Incident reviews
We have dedicated HSE managers in each region. All health and safety managers are certified according to local laws, and ensure that all personnel are regularly trained in HSE at work. We have annual HSE exercises to ensure that everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.
We carry out annual reviews of our health and safety procedures. In addition, Health and Safety committees represented by all areas of our operations, monitor and review HSE incidents and accidents together on a regular basis. Feedback from employees is reviewed and, if necessary, implemented into procedures. Employees can report hazards to their line manager or the HSE manager directly or through our anonymous whistleblowing service. Grieg Seafood has a "no reprisal" policy when it comes to reporting health and safety issues, described in our Code of Conduct.