Several countries have already introduced love that regulates business responsibility for human rights and the environment. In Norway, the Ethics Information Committee has presented a bill that largely addresses the need for a human rights law for business.
“The aquaculture industry is Norway's second largest export industry and we have a responsibility to promote responsible practice towards people and the environment in our global value chains,” says Grieg Seafood CEO Andreas Kvame.
“A human rights law will increase the focus on and lift this work throughout the industry.”
Grieg Seafood currently works to implement the UN guiding principles on business and human rights. A human rights law for businesses will create a level playing field on these matters throughout the salmon industry.
The Coalition for Responsible Business advocates for a law that:
- Requires Norwegian companies to follow the UN's guiding principles for business and human rights (UNGP) through:
- A publicly available policy that describes how responsibility for human rights is handled.
- To carry out due diligence assessments with regard to human rights and the environment.
- To implement measures on the basis of these assessments.
- Having redress procedures.
- Assumes as much transparency as possible about due diligence assessments and measures.
- Contains appropriate sanction options to ensure compliance.
- Obliges the Norwegian authorities to make resources available for this work.