“We are working across the board to improve fish heath, welfare and biological control. Post-smolt is an important tool to advance these objectives. Our aim is to find the right balance between land-based and ocean-based farming, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth,” says Andreas Kvame, CEO of Grieg Seafood ASA.
Post-smolt means that a larger part of the production cycle takes place on land or in closed containment facilities, reducing the time the fish spend in the ocean farms. The fish are thus less exposed to diseases, sea lice and other challenges in the ocean. Both fish welfare and sea lice control will improve.
Grieg Seafood has until now piloted post-smolt in its farming region in Rogaland. The results so far are improved lice control and fewer lice treatments when post-smolt is combined with other preventive measures. Fish welfare and survival have increased in the post-smolt groups.
The new unit is an extension of Grieg Seafood’s existing smolt facility in rural Lebesby in Finnmark. The construction is estimated to take two years. The first post-smolt from the new unit will be transferred to Grieg Seafood Finnmark’s ocean farms in 2026.