Marystown, October 30th 2023
Last week, the first fish were harvested and then packed at Quinlan Brothers Ltd.’s processing plant in Bay de Verde before they were transported to customers in the North American market.
Fish from the farm Red Island are currently being harvested. The first generation of fish spent about a year in Grieg Seafood’s freshwater and smolt facility in Marystown and was transferred to two ocean farms in Placentia Bay in 2022.
The harvest of the first generation marks a milestone for Grieg Seafood Newfoundland. The company started developing the aquaculture project in Placentia Bay in 2014.
The first generation has grown well throughout the year. Deep pens, no need for treatments of any form as well as transfer of best practices from similar conditions in other Grieg Seafood regions have contributed to good fish health and welfare throughout the production cycle. The first generation has a survival rate of 92 percent. The annual survival rate of all of the fish in the ocean farms is currently 96 percent.
The fish has been farmed with no sea lice issues.
The fish farmed in Newfoundland will be transported to the growing North American market without the need of air freight, making it a local alternative with low carbon emissions.
In the Spring and Summer of 2023, Grieg Seafood transferred the next generation of fish into three new ocean farms. The second generation will be harvested in 2024.
Andreas Kvame, CEO of Grieg Seafood ASA, said:
“Harvesting the first generation of fish in Newfoundland marks an important milestone for Grieg Seafood. I am pleased to see that the fish has good welfare and that biological control has been strong.
This first, successful generation shows what enormous potential Placentia Bay in Newfoundland holds for sustainable salmon farming. This is especially true in light of the booming North American market just next door, where consumers are increasingly asking for local, healthy and climate friendly food. We will continue to develop our production in Newfoundland gradually and responsibly during the years to come.
I want to congratulate all of my hard-working colleagues in Newfoundland with this achievement.”
Knut Skeidsvoll, Managing Director of Grieg Seafood Newfoundland, said:
“Since 2014, we have been working towards this day, when we are finally able to send salmon grown in Placentia Bay to our customers and consumers. I am pleased with the biological performance of the first generation, including the survival rate as well as strong sea lice control.
I want to thank all of my colleagues in Newfoundland for their hard work during these years, as well as the local communities of Placentia Bay and the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador for their support. We will keep developing our Newfoundland region step by step, and create jobs and value for the communities where we operate for years to come.”
Robin Quinlan, President of Quinlan Brothers Ltd., said:
“Quinlan is honored and excited to partner with Grieg Seafood on this next step of seafood production. Our relationship with Grieg is based on shared commitment to sustainability, innovation, and quality.
We’re sending our congratulations to Grieg for the successful growth and harvest of this first generation of fish. They represent the beginning of a new opportunities for stability, employment, and growth in our region and beyond into international markets.”
About Grieg Seafood Newfoundland
- Grieg Seafood Newfoundland currently has an on-land RAS facility consisting of a hatchery, a nursery and a smolt unit in Marystown, as well as five marine farms in Placentia Bay. 14 licenses are currently approved.
- Grieg Seafood aims to harvest 5000 tonnes of salmon in Newfoundland in 2023.
- Grieg Seafood is developing the project based on existing best-practice farming technologies.
- The company is still in an early phase and will expand the project gradually and responsibly, in line with biological developments.
- The aquaculture project in Placentia Bay started in 2014.
About Quinlan Brothers Ltd.
- Quinlan Brothers Ltd. is a multi-species seafood processor operating plants across rural Newfoundland.
- At facilities in Bay de Verde, Baie Verte, and Old Perlican, Quinlan processes snow crab, cod, turbot, squid, capelin, salmon and other species.
- Over the last 70 years, Quinlan has built a reputable and sustainable multi-species seafood operation in Newfoundland & Labrador.
- As one of the region’s largest seafood producers, Quinlan exports multi-species products to more than 20 countries worldwide.
Contact information
Kristina Furnes
Chief Communications Officer
Grieg Seafood ASA
Phone: 0047 48185505
Email: kristina.furnes@griegseafood.com