What is Grieg Seafood Code of Conduct?
The objective of our Code of Conduct is to state the requirements concerning proper business practice and personal behavior. It gives us the tools needed to perform our everyday work in an ethical and responsible manner. The Code reflects who we are as it puts our values and principles into practice.
Our Code of Conduct does not serve as a strict set of rules, and it doesn't have answers for every situation we might face. That is why we are all required to use our best judgement in applying the principles of the Code and to demonstrate its essence in everything we do.
Our Values
We are open with each other. We share knowledge and ideas, and learn from each other. We meet new perspectives with an open mind. We are always honest - also in difficult situations. Our managers have an open door and welcome suggestions for ways to improve.
We are open and transparent towards society. That is the only way we can earn people's trust. We proactively share honest information about our operations with the public, the authorities. and the media - even before they ask. We invite the community to our facilities, participate in the public debate, and engage in dialogue with other users of the fjords.
Every day, we endeavor to do our job in the best possible way. We never settle for the average. We walk the extra mile. We always strive to improve. We think big and set ambitious goals for everything we do. We are not afraid of making bold decisions, even if they are tough and pushes us out of our comfort zone.
We embrace change and innovation. We prioritize our commitments and carry them out Our ambitious goals aim to make Grieg Seafood ever more profitable. Only then can we develop the salmon farming industry further.
We not only treat each other with respect, we care. We care about our people, and help them flourish and develop their talents. We foster a caring environment - even in difficult situations and when hard decisions must be made.
We care about our fish and the natural environment that is vital to the production of healthy salmon. We work constantly to maintain good biological control and reduce our impact on the environment. We will pass healthy fjords and salmon on to future generations.
We care about our communities. We recognize that the fjords belong to them, and we take their concerns seriously. We are good neighbors. We create opportunities and lasting value for our local society.
What to do if you have a concern?
Responsibility to report If you have a concern regarding compliance with our Code of Conduct, you have a responsibility to report that concern.
You may remain anonymous.
If you choose to identify yourself, we are able to follow up with you directly and provide feedback. In such a case, your identity and the information you provide will be shared only on a "need-to-know" basis with those responsible for resolving the concern.
Report it using the Whistleblower channel
It is the right and obligation of employees to report unacceptable conditions in the workplace. The Whistleblower system provides an easy and safe way for employees to report their concerns, which is in line with our values «open, ambitious and caring»
How can I report my concerns?
Notification may be given in various ways. We encourage you to choose the way most comfortable to you:
- Web (On the intranet)
- Letter
- A Telephone
- In person.
You may choose to notify anonymously or by name.
Where do I find Whistleblower
→ Enter our Intranet frontpage
→ Click the "Whistle" button.
→ Proceed to the Whistleblower form
→ Go to the whistleblower form
Retaliation is a violation of our Code of Conduct
We prohibit retaliation against anyone for raising or helping to address a concern about a violation of the Code of Conduct. Retaliation is grounds for sanctions, up to and including dismissal. Situations where retaliation could potentially be a concern should be raised as early as possible at the level felt appropriate to the situation.
We provide accurate, complete and timely information to Authorities, the public, our shareholders and our business partners. We treat company information, assets and property responsibly and professionally
Financial reporting
What is financial reporting
Financial reporting is the disclosure of financial results and related information to management and external stakeholders le.g.. Authorities, investors, customers).
We always:
• Ensure that our accounts accurately reflect the reality.
• Ensure full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures in public communication.
• Ensure that all accounting information is materially correct and in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant accounting standards. (Without mistakes of a magnitude that could influence investor decisions.)
• Ensure that information regarding business affairs is correct and truthful, Never falsify or manipulate information.
Be aware of:
• Alterations or amendments of any account or financial statement to get financial results to look more favorable than reality.
• Omitting facts or important information which would change the picture in the overall context in which it is presented (e.g. could influence investor decisions if known).
• Disclosure of confidential information.
Business data and Assets
What is business data and assets?
Business data is the information about people, resources and records (e.g. financial, technical, commercial) related to the business, which may be confidential to the company.
Business assets are items of value which Grieg Seafood owns or benefits from. such as feed, fish, machines, vehicles, equipment or facilities.
We always:
• Act in good faith, responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence.
• Use company materials, assets or facilities for purposes related to business activities only.
The same applies to the removal or borrowing of assets.
• Protect company assets and property against loss, damage and abuse.
Be aware of:
• Statements of opinions which cannot be verified or supported by verifiable data
• Disclosure of confidential information.
• Omitting facts or important information which would change a picture in the overall context in which it is presented.
• Alterations or amendments of any document or statement because it contains unpleasant facts, opinions or presents views that we disagree with
• Use of our logo in social media or open social media accounts in Grieg Seafood's name, unless specific permission has been given.
Laws, Regulations and Ethical standards
We are honest and trustworthy.
We abide by ethical standards, applicable laws and regulations in all the countries we operate. While compliance with laws and regulations is mandatory, it also shows our commitment to acting with honesty and respect.
Compliance with laws and regulations
We always:
• Abide by the specific legal and regulatory requirements of the country and region in which we work and that affect our business.
• Understand who the key authorities are, and what their regulatory priorities are.
• Promptly report any red flags" or potential issues that might lead to a breach.
Be aware of:
• New and changing laws and regulations that might affect our business (build and maintain processes to stay updated on changes).
• Local laws and regulations that affect activities beyond the territory of that country (e.g. UK Bribery act).
• Foreign laws that might affect our business activities (e.g.health regulations in an export market: competition and trade laws; foreign corrupt practices act, etc).
Compliance with ethical standards
We always:
• Exercise good judgement and are guided by our conscience.
• Remember the legal, corporate and ethical responsibility to ensure we are not knowingly providing support in a transaction involving fraud or corruption.
• Promptly report "red flags” or potential issues that may lead to a breach.
Be aware of:
• "False dilemmas" (e.g. when doing the right thing is more difficult than doing the wrong thing).
• Activities, situations or pressure from third parties to do (or not do something that must be kept secret and cannot be openly discussed with colleagues.
• Accepting or offering gifts, hospitality and entertainment, political and charitable contributions.
Compliance with competition laws
We never:
• Discuss (or enter into any agreement, tacit or other understanding) with a competitor or competitors representative regarding: Prices, bids, sales territories, customers, terms of sale, production or sales capacity or volume, costs, profits or market shares.
• Contact competitors regarding price, capacity, or other commercial issues - or where the appearance of collusion might result.
Please consult with a manager in the event of any activity that could raise competition law issues.
Be aware of:
• Agreements or practices that effectively restrict the customer from a choice of supplier, restrict free pricing or access to the market.
• Information exchange or arrangements of a commercial nature with competitors - especially related to matters of price or sales volumes and conditions.
• Requests for boycotts or other activities that would put customers or suppliers at an unfair disadvantage.
• Exclusive arrangements which put selected companies at a disadvantage to their competitors.
Please consult with a manager in the event of any activity that could raise competition law issues.
Compliance with sanctions law
We always:
• Avoid entering into contracts with customers or suppliers who are listed as restricted persons or situated in a restricted country in any applicable sanctions law.
• Avoid any activity that can lead to Grieg Seafood or any employee becoming listed as a restricted person in any sanctions act. Therefore, all employees are expected to implement procedures to ensure compliance with all sanction laws.
• Carry out due diligence on customers and suppliers with regards to their business and the jurisdictions in which they operate.
Be aware of:
• Business partners who are reluctant to disclose complete information.
• Cash payments or payments that have no apparent link to a business partner.
• Unusual fund transfers or locations, or payments through a different country than the one in which you're doing business.
• Unusually complex transaction structures and transactions structured to avoid record-keeping.
Anti-corruption and fraud
Business integrity is essential to becoming a preferred provider of sustainably produced salmon. We have zero tolerance for all forms of fraud, corruption, facilitation payments, kickbacks, bribery and other misconduct.
What is corruption?
Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense done by an individual or organization, to get benefits or misuse power for one's personal gain.
Corruption and Bribes
We do not accept any form of corruption or improper payments (bribes) given or received to influence business and gain advantage. We only conduct business with reputable customers and suppliers involved in legitimate business activities with funds derived from legitimate sources.
We always:
• Understand applicable rules, policies and customs prior to giving a gift.
• Only accept hospitality such as social events, meals or entertainment within reasonable limits. Consult your manager if in doubt.
• Investigate background information, including reputation, etc. that indicates improper business practices, corruption, bribes, or other improper relationships.
If receiving a gift or courtesy feels wrong, it probably is. Consult with your colleagues or manager.
We never:
• Offer or accept any form of corruption, gifts, services and representation that may question our integrity.
• Give or accept a business courtesy that might create the appearance of an impropriety or influence a decision-making process.
• Accept or give gifts, except gifts or favors of limited value (NOK 500 or local currency equivalent).In situations where it would be considered offensive to refuse a gift, the gift should be handed over to a superior and be regarded as company property.
If receiving a gift or courtesy feels wrong, it probably is. Consult with your colleagues or manager.
Be aware of:
• Business courtesies at a level which we cannot openly reciprocate.
• Demands to receive payments, commissions, etc. in advance of business.
• Requests to make payment in a private name, or otherwise different from a standard transaction.
• Suggestions that business might be facilitated through a "special relationship".
If receiving a gift or courtesy feels wrong, it probably is. Consult with your colleagues or manager.
Money laundry prevention
Grieg Seafood complies with applicable laws prohibiting money laundering which require reporting of cash or suspicious transactions.
What is money laundering?
Money laundering is a way to hide illegally obtained funds. This works by transferring money in complicated financial transactions which mislead anyone who may want to trace and review the transactions.
We always:
• Know our customer, intermediary or supplier. We take reasonable steps to detect unacceptable or suspicious forms of payment.
• Avoid the types of payment that are suspicious (e.g. multiple money orders or third-party checks). Payments must only be made by approval and against satisfactory documentation, in line with generally acceptable accounting principles.
• Document and report any suspicious circumstances around payments.
Be aware of:
• Business partners who are reluctant to disclose complete information.
• Cash payments or payments that have no apparent links to a business partner.
• Unusually complex transaction structures and transactions structured to avoid record keeping.
• Unusual fund transfers or locations, or payments through a different country than the one in which you are doing business.
Conflict of interest
All relations that may involve a conflict of interest must be reported, to ensure that business decisions are made by impartial staff members.
What is conflict of interest?
A conflict of interest is a situation where we find ourselves having competing interests or loyalties, which might cloud our judgement. In business, a conflict of interest appears when an employee chooses personal gain over their duties to the company.
We always:
• Encourage employees to discuss potential conflicts of interest at the earliest possible stage.
• Behave impartially in all business dealings.
• Avoid the misuse of Grieg Seafood's resources for personal gain.
• Avoid situations that could lead to an actual or perceived conflict with company interests or potentially have a negative effect on our judgement.
Be aware of:
• Agreements or practices that effectively restrict the customer from choice of supplier or restrict free pricing or access to the market.
• Information exchange or arrangements of a commercial nature with competitors - especially related to matters of price or sales volumes and conditions.
• Requests for boycotts or other activists that would put customers or suppliers at an unfair disadvantage.
• Exclusive arrangements which put selected companies at a disadvantage to their competitors.
• Personal ownership/shares of any kind in companies Grieg Seafood compete with, has as customer, supplier or partners.
Employment outside Grieg Seafood
In general Grieg Seafood employees will not invest in or take on board positions in companies that Grieg Seafood has commercial relations with or competes with.
Insider trading
We expect our employees to know and follow the law on insider trading and follow Grieg Seafood's rules and notifications in relation to trading prohibitions. We always maintain confidentiality of company information.
What is insider trading?
Insider trading happens when someone makes a trade of stock based on the information that's not available to other shareholders and the general public. In other words, that person has an advantage compared to other investors. This is a criminal offence and may have serious consequences.
We never:
• Buy or sell Grieg Seafood shares or any other company's shares while aware of insider information.
• Recommend or suggest to anyone else to trade on insider information.
Be aware of:
• Discussing sensitive information with friends and family.
• Investment activity in the industry or suppliers or customers.
• Talking about ongoing work activities, destinations for business travels or people who have visited our offices.
• Talking about projects or specific business information in public places.
• Buying or selling shares because you hear or learn of information that will affect the price when it becomes public.
• Engaging in trading activity in a company prior to, or around the time of. significant announcements in the company.
Health and Safety
Accidents can be prevented through the development of adequate operating procedures, a safety-focused corporate culture, and by improving equipment quality. We never compromise on health and safety.
We never compromise on health and safety
Our mission is to provide a safe workplace, ensure compliance and minimize future potential accidents. We work systematically to safeguard our employees' health, safety and working environment. The aim is to prevent and manage work-related injuries, illness, accidents, and fatalities.
Health and safety are serious and important matters for Grieg Seafood, and we want our employees to know this and act accordingly every single day.
We have zero-tolerance for accidents.
Creating an HSE culture
All employees receive health and safety training when they join the Company and are required to re-take the courses regularly.
We have annual HSE exercises to ensure that everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency
To ensure that all our employees understand and follow our Safety Management Principles, each and every one:
• is encouraged to take responsibility for their own personal safety in everything they do.
• understands the importance of working for the safety of others.
• is required to engage and communicate with colleagues to support safe behaviour and compliance.
• shall never enter the offices premises or sites under the influence of drugs or alcohol. GSF has a 'zero tolerance' to drugs and alcohol.
Reviewing and reporting safety procedures
• We carry out annual reviews of our health and safety procedures.
• We have dedicated HSE managers in each region.
• On a regular basis, the Health and Safety committees represented by all areas of our operations, monitor and review HSE incidents and accidents together. Feedback from employees is reviewed and, if necessary, implemented in procedures.
• Employees can report hazards to their line manager or the HSE managers by any method they feel comfortable with (directly, phone, message apps, email), including our anonymous whistleblowing service.
• All incidents are recorded in our health and safety system and reviewed. After corrective action is taken, the result of the action is disseminated to the rest of the region for implementation.
Your Rights
Human rights
Respecting the rights and dignity of all human beings is the very basis of a civilized society. Businesses, or any other entities, should not compromise on human rights.
What are Human Rights?
Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world. Human rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence.
These values are defined and respected by law. We undertake human rights examinations to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for human rights impacts in our supply chain.
We never tolerate:
• Child labour.
• Forced or compulsory labour.
• Discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
We always:
• Comply with all applicable laws and international conventions on human rights.
• Ensure that situations or allegations of human rights violations are investigated.
• Ensure that all work is voluntary and that employees are free to leave upon reasonable notice.
• Understand where our operations, suppliers or supply chains, due to local conditions, custom, practices or otherwise, might represent a potential risk to human rights violations.
Be aware of:
• Reluctant or otherwise unsatisfactory answers to questions from potential business partners.
• Supplier employees who appear to be underage or working under coercion.
• Suppliers who deliver through sub-suppliers whose operations they are reluctant to disclose, or closed for visits and inspections.
• "Red flags" that suggests that a party might be avoiding an open and transparent insight into their or their sub-suppliers' operations or conduct.
Right to organize
We welcome our employees' membership of collective labor union and want as many as possible to participate and be part of a union agreement. Grieg Seafood has established a good and involving relationship with our Union representatives and cooperate in more internal improvement projects than just salary negotiations.
We recognize the right to organize to promote and defend occupational interests.
We always:
• Strive to know and understand all local or applicable legal obligations in relation to labor and collective bargaining.
• Engage in open and free dialogue concerning conduct of labor and labor relations.
Be aware of:
• Pressure from outside interest groups, or others who have a political agenda on labor and collective bargaining contrary to our policy.
• Suggestions that activities or agenda points cannot be part of an open dialogue with employees on labor practices.
Right to collective bargaining
Collective bargaining refers to negotiations between a group of employees and an employer to determine conditions of employment, such as;
✓ Working hours
✓ Overtime
✓ Holidays
✓Sick leave
✓Vacation time
✓ Retirement benefits
✓Health care
We always:
• Uphold freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining in all regions.
Be aware of:
• Pressure from other employees, or external parties, who have their own agenda.
We are committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and handle the personal data responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws.
We have developed policies and guidelines for data security and privacy that apply to all regions according to the European Union GDPR standard. The regulation gives all our employees more control of their own personal data and ensures that the information is protected.
What is GDPR?
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. This is a law created to protect the personal data of individuals. Here are some of the main user rights outlined by the GDPR:
• You're entitled to know how your data is both collected and how it's being used.
• You're entitled to know what information has been collected about you.
• If there are mistakes in your data, you can request to have them corrected.
• You can have your data deleted from records after leaving the company.
If you want to learn more about GDPR. please visit the Grieg Seafood knowledge Portal.
We always:
• Protect the information our employees have entrusted to us, and handle it with respect.
• Use care to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.
• Understand and comply with applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdictions from which personal data is collected and where it is processed and/or used.
If you should learn of a breach of privacy, immediately notify your manager and follow up corrective measures.
Be aware of:
• Sharing personal data with others, such as vendors or suppliers.
• Inadequate security controls or routines for personal data, such as wide email distribution, leaving printouts on a printer or photocopier.
• Transfers of data between countries without considering applicable legal requirements.
If you should learn of a breach of privacy, immediately notify your manager and follow up corrective measures.
Non-discrimination and harassment
Discrimination, harassment and bullying
We strive to provide a work environment free from harassment, discrimination and bullying. We do not accept a hostile work environment or situations in which any person feels excluded or unwelcome. We will report any violation of labor law.
As an employee, it is your duty to notify your employer if you become aware of harassment in the workplace.
We do not accept discrimination, harassment and bullying in any shape or form - verbal, physical, or visual. We always show respect for individuals as individuals and do not treat people differently because of their characteristics.
If you should learn of a breach of the non-discrimination and harassment policy. immediately report it using the channel most comfortable to you.
Discrimination means treating a person unfairly because of who they are or because they possess certain characteristics. A characteristic might be one's race, ethnicity, national or other origin, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language or religion.
Harassment is a form of discrimination. This includes any unwanted verbal, digital, psychological or physical behavior that may disrespect, humiliate or offend you. Usually. harassment is a behavior that persists over time, but serious one-time events can also be considered harassment.
Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
• Threatening behavior
• Demeaning individuals in the workplace.
• Remarks about a person's characteristics
• Inappropriate physical contact and/or comments.
• Challenging or opposing everything a person suggests.
• Unwanted letters, calls, social media contact, messages, emails or gifts.
Sexual harassment
All our employees have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Sexual harassment in the workplace will not be permitted or accepted.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature. This may include unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct, but may appear in other forms as well. The unwanted nature of sexual harassment separates it from behaviour that is welcome and mutual.
Because sexual assault is a form of sexual harassment, all instances of sexual assault are also examples of sexual harassment. Sexual assault is characterized by sexual contact of any kind without the consent from the other part involved. This could include unwanted sexual touching or forcing another person to perform sexual acts against their will.
Sexual assault often includes the use of force, but force doesn't have to be physical. It's still sexual assault if a someone is pressed or manipulated into unwanted sexual behavior. An employee must never experience a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment in Grieg Seafood. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature will never be tolerated or accepted.
Employees with any form of management responsibilities must never promote a sexualized culture towards or receive any form of sexualized acts from other employees, especially not from employees to whom they are responsible for or other subordinates.
This applies even if such behavior appears or seems to be voluntary. Managers in Grieg Seafood have a particular responsibility, to practice and follow our ethical guidelines. It's their sole responsibility to avoid inappropriate conduct with a subordinate, as well as to identify sexually abusive behavior in the employees they oversee.
Although men experience sexual harassment at much lower rates than women, sexual assault against males is still very real.
Sometimes sexual violence against men is ignored altogether and male victims of sexual assault are discouraged from reporting what has happened to them, for fear of being told they are unmasculine.
Conduct is also classified as sexual harassment if it involves a threat (e.g. job loss) or promise (e.g. promotion) based on the victim carrying out an inappropriate request.
Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
• Making sexual jokes.
• Pressure for sexual activity.
• Sending sexually suggestive messages or emails.
• Inappropriate/unwanted physical contact or comments.
• Following others around and/or paying excessive attention.
• Repeated compliments/remarks of an employee's appearance.
Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following:
• The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man.The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex.
• The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supplier/agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or a non-employee.
• The victim does not have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct.
Preventing sexual harassment
There are things everybody can do to help prevent sexual harassment.
In Grieg Seafood we have adopted a clear sexual harassment policy, we identify and handle inappropriate behaviors, and we have through our whistleblowing channel given everyone the tools you need to report instances of sexual harassment in the workplace – confidentially, if necessary, to mitigate the possibility of retaliation.
Our goal in Grieg Seafood is to establish and maintain a culture that does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment.
"Me too"
The Me Too movement is mostly concerned with two types of behavior: sexual harassment and sexual assault and are generally understood as referring to specific inappropriate and unwanted sexual behaviors, especially in the workplace.
“Me too” is about the influence that positions with any form of management responsibilities have over other employees, especially those below him/her in the line of responsibility.
If an employee with any form of management responsibility promotes or tolerates any form of sexualized culture or behavior, other employees may feel that he/she has to participate in such a culture in order to get later opportunities or promotions in the company.
While the participation may appear to be voluntary, it may in reality be done out of fear of the consequences on his/her career should he/she not participate.
Employees with any form of management responsibilities should not promote a sexualized culture or receive any form of sexualized acts from other employees, especially not from employees below him/her in the line of responsibility. This applies even if such behavior appears to be voluntary.
This principle extends to working relationships outside the line of responsibility. It extends to any person an employee may have formal influence over in a work situation, including persons working for suppliers.
Employees with any form of management responsibilities must:
• Promote an inclusive and non-sexualized culture.
• Be aware of your own role, responsibility and influence on other employees. Be aware of how your relationship with employees below you in the line of responsibility is different from a relationship between two employees with equal positions.
• Be aware that employees below you in the line of responsibility are sensitive to your influence over their careers. They may appear to voluntarily take part in a sexualized culture not because they want to, but because they are concerned about the consequence of not participating. It may be concern about future work opportunities, or because they want to be liked and be a part of the group.
• Always put an end to instances of sexualized culture. It is your responsibility first to not take part in such culture and second to actively work to end it.
Examples of unacceptable situations include, but are not limited to:
• A manager engages in any form of sexual acts with an employee below him/her in the line of responsibility, even if it appears at first sight to be voluntary from both sides.
• Employees in a team engaging in sexualized jokes at work. The team manager is tolerating the jokes, which is not acceptable
• A manager sharing pornographic content with other employees at in the office or at the farm.
• An employee with responsibility for purchasing in Grieg Seafood engages in any form of sexual acts with a person working for a supplier.
Examples of unacceptable situations include, but are not limited to:
• One coworker making repeated unwanted sexual advances toward another, whether they were told to stop or not
• A superior asking for sexual favors from an employee in exchange for some benefit in the workplace, such as a promotion or a raise
• An employee touching another inappropriately
• Non-physical and non-verbal actions, such as leering. staring, winking, blowing kisses, and eating or holding food provocatively
Fair employment
Fair employment means that our employment is based on equality without discrimination or exclusion because of one's characteristics.
We always:
• Have a fair and transparent recruitment process
• Base employment decisions on job qualifications (e.g. education, prior experience) and merit.
• Embrace diversity and employ the most competent, regardless of where people come from.
• Live by our values – Open, Ambitious, and Caring
All activities shall be conducted with respect for individuals and without discrimination. We do not tolerate any form of forced labor and are committed to the abolition of child labor.
The minimum age for employment is not lower than the age of completion of compulsory schooling as set by national law, and in any event not lower than 15 years of age.
Embracing diversity
Diversity is not only the right thing to do ethically. It leads to greater employee retention and improves productivity. Bringing together employees with different experiences, backgrounds and educations helps creativity and can lead to new and innovative ideas.
We embrace diversity with respect to employee gender, age, ethnicity, physical abilities, personality, skills, experiences, and backgrounds.
How we work to improve
We strive to attract more female workers to reduce the gender gap. to which end we are keen to facilitate flexible working.
• We have a fair and transparent recruitment process and strive to have both female and male candidates in the final round of interviews.
• We offer parental leave to both women and men in accordance with local laws
• We expect our suppliers to conduct their activities with respect for individuals as individuals, and without discrimination.
Care for the fish
Good fish health and welfare is both an ethical responsibility and the most important measure we can do to ensure good growth, higher harvesting quality and lower cost.
Grieg Seafood has an ethical responsibility to ensure good fish health and welfare for the animals in our care. Grieg Seafood is committed to good fish health for the entire life cycle of our fish. Good fish health implies that the highest possible number of fish thrive. grow normally and survive until the end of their lifecycle.
The fish health policy follows the guidelines from OIE (World organization for Animal Health). We have a preventative, systematic and long-term approach to fish health and welfare, doing what we can to ensure that our fish is robust, healthy and happy from early life.
Grieg Seafood adheres to the following main principles for fish health:
• We minimize pathogens entry (harmful micro-organisms) to the farms.
• We minimize pathogen multiplication within the farm environment.
• We minimize any environmental health risk to the fish.
Grieg Seafood adheres to the following main principles for fish welfare:
• We minimize any discomfort to the fish during its lifetime in our farms.
• We ensure that all living fish are anesthetized prior to killing.
Grieg Seafood seeks to fulfill “The five freedoms for animals under human control":
• freedom from hunger, thirst, and malnutrition.
• freedom from fear and distress.
• freedom from discomfort.
• freedom from pain, injury and disease.
• freedom to express normal patterns of behavior.
Grieg Seafood aims to avoid using antibiotics. Antibiotics are only used as a last resort to treat bacterial diseases when fish health and fish welfare are threatened.
We always:
• Follow all policies and procedures related to fish health and welfare, for both salmon and cleaner fish.
• We do our utmost everyday to ensure that the fish health and welfare of our salmon and cleaner fish is as good as possible.
Care for the environment
Protecting biodiversity and nature
It is our responsibility to protect nature and biodiversity wherever we operate. Our aim is to use farming methods that allow us to co-exist with other species.
Although all food production systems have a footprint, we continuously work to reduce it through research, development and more sustainable farming practices. Going forward, we recognize that our industry must work hard to reduce our environmental impact.
Grieg Seafood has policies and practices in place to ensure that the impact on the environment is minimized.
Wild salmon and other wildlife
We have a special responsibility to avoid impacting wild salmon in the areas where we operate. Salmon farming can potentially impact wild salmon if we do not use responsible farming practices. Keeping low levels of sea lice, avoiding escapes in regions where wild salmon is of the Atlantic species and avoiding diseases are key aspects to ensure coexistence. Grieg Seafood is working hard to avoid impacting wild salmon in all our regions.
Grieg Seafood also strives to avoid impacting other wildlife around our farms, such as mammals, other fish, crustaceans and the marine ecosystem generally.
We always:
• Follow all national sea lice regulations and strive to control sea lice through preventative methods.
• Have zero tolerance for escapes.
• Use equipment and practices that minimize the risk of injury to and impact on wildlife.
Be aware of:
• Conduct that is not in line with the company practices and that may cause harm to wild salmon, other wildlife or marine species, or to the marine ecosystem itself.
• Conduct that is causing a larger impact on the environment than necessary.
• Weapons on site. They are not allowed.
Plastics and waste management
Grieg Seafood works to recycle as much waste as possible. Plastics should be recycled and not end up in the ocean. Ocean plastics are pollution, which can impact fish and life below water negatively.
We always:
• Make every effort not to pollute the environment where we farm our salmon.
• Our waste should always be disposed of in compliance with prevailing regulations and recycled whenever possible.
• Items made of plastics should always be disposed of properly to avoid polluting nature.
• Fish trimmings and dead fish are disposed of separately and processed into fish silage.
Be aware of:
• Plastic equipment that may dissolve in the ocean, such as ropes. Make sure these items are always disposed of properly before they are dissolved.
Carbon emissions
Salmon has low carbon emissions compared to other animal proteins. Still, the salmon industry can do more to avoid climate change. Grieg Seafood is committed to reduce our carbon emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. We will work to cut emissions both in our production and in our supply chain (particularly feed and freight).
We always:
• Use as little energy and fuel as possible in our operations.
• Drive boats as fuel efficient as possible.
Our communities
Social license to operate
We regard the basis of our social license to operate to be two-fold.
• First, it is based on the public's trust that we always work to reduce our environmental footprint and improve fish welfare.
• Secondly, it is based on our ability to give back to local communities.
Transparency and dialogue
Grieg Seafood aims to be open, transparent and honest with the local communities about our production methods, our successes, environmental status and our remaining challenges. We pay attention to the views of the local communities in respect to our activities.
We view it as our responsibility to engage in positive, open and constructive dialogue with all of the local stakeholders and groups that are impacted by our activities, such as other business interests, environmental groups, animal welfare groups, Indigenous groups. politicians, neighbours, or the general public at large. Our aim is to find mutually beneficial or acceptable solutions to concerns.
It's important to maintain an open attitude towards the diverse opinions we might encounter.
Local value creation
We are grateful to our local communities for giving us permission to farm salmon in their fjords and inlets. In return, we contribute to vibrant local communities in the many rural areas where we operate.
We support the local communities by:
• Striving to use local suppliers.
• Hiring local apprentices and supporting aquaculture schools and training facilities.
• Engaging in local environmental projects related to salmon farming.
• Supporting sports and cultural activities in our local communities.
• Generally acting as a responsible corporate citizen in our local communities.
Respecting Indigenous cultures
In British Columbia, Grieg Seafood is farming in territories that belong to Indigenous peoples, while Finnmark has been home to the Sami people for millennia. We recognize that these People have special rights, as acknowledged to them by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
We take particular care to avoid infringing on such rights and to engage in dialogue with Indigenous Peoples and groups.
We strive to contribute to vibrant Indigenous cultures in the areas where we farm salmon.
Suppliers and Customers
Working with Suppliers and customers
When working with customers and suppliers we are reliable, honest and trustworthy. We ensure that our obligations towards customers and suppliers are clear, documented as appropriate, and understood by all concerned.
We always:
• Treat suppliers with courtesy and impartiality.
• Select suppliers based on an objective, documented rationale.
• Respect confidentiality when applicable.
• Commit to professional secrecy regarding customers and business relations and protect sensitive and confidential information about them.
• Provide all suppliers with the Grieg Seafood Supplier Code of Conduct.
Be aware of:
• Making false or misleading statements in presentations or negotiations.
• Invitations to be or become complicit in false or misleading representations of events.
• Exploitation of situations or misunderstandings for short-term gain which have the potential of hurting our long-term reputation for honest commercial dealings.
• Leading business partners to make assumptions which are at odds with our intentions, plans or the realities of a situation.
Supplier responsibility
In our Supplier Code of Conduct, we expect suppliers to provide a safe and healthy environment for their workers and minimize workers' exposure to potential safety hazards. Furthermore, we expect our suppliers to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations.
We always:
• Have a zero-tolerance for forced labor.
• Require suppliers to ensure fair working hours and compensation.
• Require suppliers to ensure a safe work environment for their employees.
Be aware of:
• Unsafe working conditions and unsafe work practices in supplier facilities.
• Supplier employees who appear underage or subject to coercion.
• Apparent disregard of environmental standards.
• Potential conflicts of interest, personal dependency or other improper relationships.
• Circumstances with a supplier that cannot be discussed openly.
Human rights in the supply chain
Our suppliers are required to follow our Supplier Code of Conduct. This means that they are expected to adhere to global standards for good corporate practice, including:
• The United Nations Global Compact.
• The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
• The Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance.
• International Labour Standards on Forced and Child Labour.